May 9, 2023Liked by Shannon Colón

There are also the accidental screenshots of your Home Screen, where you’ve thought you were powering off but instead you were compiling pointless captures of the date and time, forgetting to delete them, then leaving them for your future self to wonder about..”Is there a reason 4.19pm last Saturday needed to be remembered??”

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May 10, 2023·edited May 10, 2023Author

YES! And unrelated but related, trying to take a photo with the side buttons but accidentally hitting the power button and the phone goes dark.

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I highly recommend the chickpea chocolate chip cookie dough recipe! It's such an internet gem. I think the AARP membership is next... for me, someone recently suggested I get one haha 😬

I resonate with hoping for a creative awakening with my screenshots but mine feels like a graveyard of forgotten ideas, so thank you for reminding me to look back at these and resurrect them!

My screenshots folder currently contains inspirational hair, beautiful stairs, and a Ketnips drawing with the quote: "Holy crap, I must nap."

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I made the cookies and they were surprisingly delicious and healthy??? I'm going to experiment with replacing some of the dates with almond flour.

There is so much wisdom in the screenshots folder. It feels like going through old photo albums.

And Ketnips for the win, always ♥️

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I have so many Twitter screenshots and quotes??? like, what am I doing with these??

My screenshots and my notes app are truly too revealing.

Waiting for my own creative awakening.

Sunset doggo 😍

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I love the occasional saved "inspirational quote" and then when you revisit it, you're like ewwww what does this even mean?

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iNsPiRaTiOnAl? gross.....


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May 9, 2023Liked by Shannon Colón

That screenshot of where you parked your car is literally of your garage.

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Shhhhh 🤫

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Not very mysterious of you, Shannon!!

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