I wonder, is being remembered beyond death a worthy pursuit? Is that a bad place to move from? Is it what most people want? Also, maybe sometimes that desire to be remembered after we die is really just a misplaced wanting/inability to be noticed, seen, and remembered right now?
Your breakfast looks SO good. I like the reflection of your hand in the spoon.
I wish you made a funny face in it. Missed opportunity.
The spokeless bikes<3
These are beautiful.
I wonder, is being remembered beyond death a worthy pursuit? Is that a bad place to move from? Is it what most people want? Also, maybe sometimes that desire to be remembered after we die is really just a misplaced wanting/inability to be noticed, seen, and remembered right now?
Your breakfast looks SO good. I like the reflection of your hand in the spoon.
I wish you made a funny face in it. Missed opportunity.
"We're all making our own stone statue." ...will stay in my brain for some time